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Chapter 11: Evolution vs. Biblical and Scientific Creationism
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The TOTAL TRUTH Solution For A Fr\ac/tur\ed America
"Total Truth" author's bio
Introduction To Total Truth
A Word About Overviews
Section 1: Biblical Christianity
Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: Terror Rules
Chapter 3: The Finished Work
Chapter 4: A New Battle
Chapter 5: So, Just Who Are You Anyway?
Section 2: Christianity vs. Rival Worldviews
Chapter 6: Discovering Your Worldview
Chapter 7: Worldviews In Conflict
Chapter 8: Christianity vs. Secularistic Materialism
Chapter 9: Comparing Opposites: Christianity and Materialism
Chapter 10: Materialism is Irrational
Chapter 11: Evolution vs. Biblical and Scientific Creationism
Chapter 12: Ever Increasing Evidence Against Evolution
Chapter 13: Evidence for Scientific Creationism
Chapter 14: The Rotten Fruit of Evolution
Chapter 15: Bible Codes Evidence God
Chapter 16: Bible Prophecies Evidence Christ
Chapter 17: The Death of Atheism
Chapter 18: Christianity vs. New Age
Chapter 19: Comparing Opposites: Christianity and New Age
Section 3: Worldview Choices Reap Consequences
Chapter 20: Philosophy Masquerading as Science
Chapter 21: Hidden Worldviews
Chapter 22: Three Secular Reasons for Promoting a Christian Worldview
Chapter 23: Secularist Strategies Unveiled
Section 4: America Founded on a Christian Worldview
Chapter 24: Our Foundation: Deist or Christian?
Chapter 25: Thomas Jefferson's Beliefs
Chapter 26: Our Founders' Perspective
Chapter 27: American Education was Christian Based
Chapter 28: Our Founding Documents
Chapter 29: Separation of Church and State?
Chapter 30: What Did the First Amendment Establish?
Chapter 31: A Key Court Case in the Secularization of America
Chapter 32: Rule of Law, Not Rule of Judiciary
Chapter 33: Sanity Trumps Justice Black's Infamous Seven Decrees
Conclusion: Saving a Besieged America with the Total Truth
Appendix 1: Americanism vs. Modern Liberalism
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